How to Choose Your Accent Wall

An accent wall can make a plain room look architecturally interesting, or it can jazz up an already interesting room. The question is, which wall should you make a feature of? Following are some tips. Which Wall To Choose The first place to start is to look around the room and consider if any wall has a natural focus. Does an open fireplace draw your eye as soon as you enter the room? [Read More]

Why Your Business Warehouse Requires a Fresh Coat of Paint

First impressions are everything in business, and every entrepreneur works diligently to ensure that their premises look attractive and presentable. However, this only applies to the rooms that a client can see. When it comes to aesthetics and maintenance, facilities like the warehouse are often neglected. This is unfortunate since a warehouse hosts the business products and materials. It is only fair that you accord it the same treatment as the rest of the business premises. [Read More]